"Gay Mafia"...
Of course, the term is stolen from the ridiculously Hollywood
Ovitz attack about Geffen and Co.,
but it is a HEAVY term of endearment to me
that I have stolen "ON PURPOSE".
Just wanted to give love to my own personal
"gay mafia".
D, M, B, C, K, K, K, G, M, A, D, A, Tony, Tony,Tony, JT, S, S,
V,W,X,Y and Z.
OK, three of them are straight, but they are cool enough
to be included.
I have a big, big circle of gay, male friends.
(and a very few, cool, smart straight ones)
They are my heart and my soul.
My everything.
They know everything about me.
No matter what any liar says,
The truth.
And when someone attacks me?
These fags are the toughest, stand-up,
most honest, hardcore, lovely, loving people
in the world, ever.
Not that they aren't amazing in their own lives
separate from me,
because they are, in every way.
But I could not ask or pray
for a better group of people,
who surrond me,
astoud me,
who give me love and support,
who know me and aren't afraid to
stand up for me when persecuted
and tell the truth.
The great thing is that we don't tell no lies.
We don't have to.
We have been together for years.
We know the truth.
I confide in them.
And they are with me all the time.
Phones, faxes, planes, trains, and automobiles.
They are with me when I cry, when I laugh,
when I look awful, when I pull off looking good
(with their help, "GET OUT OF BED HONEY,
when I am scared,
when I celebrate
(which has been rare lately, sorry guys).
Sometimes I think straight men do not understand
the insanely close relationship between women and gay men.
It's actually simple on one level.
Gay men are MEN,
who do not "want" anything from you as a female,
except what is on the table, FRIENDSHIP.
It's pure.
They don't want to sleep with you,
marry you... etc.
The other part is more socio/politico.
Like other members of society (like women) who have
a long history of being persecuted,
they tend to find their own strength,
find their own selves,
find the truth amongst lies,
and have the ability to stand up
and speak out,
truthfully, bravely...
because this was something that was put
upon them not by choice,
but by societies' ignorance.
And one becomes brave.
Really brave.
And has a commitment to truth.
Something straight, white, males
may never understand.
As they have been fed their own importance
and power
their whole lives.
They are busy puffing their chests
and stepping on people they already
have the upper hand on anyways,
because society is ruled by the ignorant,
which is the majority.
So, straight, white, males...
that everytime you are disrespectful and abusive to
a fag, a chick, a black/brown/yellow/green/purple person
because you think you are superior
there are multitudes of us
that see you not as powerful,
but weak
and ridiculous
and ignorant.
And you may "win",
because of our societal hierarchy
but you are still...
and ridiculous
and ignorant.
Winning does not make you right.
And, yes,
I have my own gay mafia
(with three evolved straights who get it)
We are strong and truthful.
We are brave and have been through the gauntlet.
We pity you
and pray for you
And will fight you for the truth to be told
about all of us.
And we see
And we know.
We know.
How hateful you can be.
How afraid you are.
How ridiculously weak you can be.
I could go on for hours,
because it is so blindingly apparent
to those of us who see.
But I just wanted to say...
from A to Z.
My gay mafia,
and you know who you are.
I love you.
You inspire and amaze me every day.
I am nothing without you.
I love you more.
You give me hope,
and light,
and love.
There is nothing that compares to you.
You are so beautiful.
I love you.
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