Pauley P Dot Com

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Today I Was Thinking About...

Today I Was Thinking About:

- How much good, hard work and long hours
can cure what ails you.

- How much kindness helps both the
recipient and giver.

- How much Green Day's record
"American Idiot" deserved every accolade
it received, and more.

- How much a simple act of kindness can
change someone's life.

- How impossible it is to keep up with
e-mails, letters and phone messages.

- How, somehow, I can not remember when I ate last,
but I know the hour, minute and second of when my
dogs need to be walked.

- How all public places should have more trash
and recycle bins.

- How hard and horrible it must be for the elderly
and handicapped
to try and open caps and bottle tops
that I can hardly turn,
Me being young and healthy.

- How an old T-shirt can never compare to a new one.

- How inanimate gift giving can never compare
to letting someone know you really love them.

- How much an old, familiar
cheesy pop song can make you smile.

- How much a piece of artwork or homemade
item means when compared to something store bought.

- How silly and hateful competition can be.

- How much negative energy effects you.

- How long the desire for a ham and cheese
sandwich stayed with me after I heard someone
randomly say "ham and cheese sandwich".

- How telling one's true self is
when they are tired or grumpy already.

- How much I prefer pencils over pens.

- How much I dislike chocolate and love cake.

- Killing yourself, and the ramifications.

- How the love of a pet or a person,
or more so, loving a pet or a person,
can make your feet not hurt when they're tired.

- How truly painful and evil lies are.

- How beautiful a strawberry is.

- How perfect bananas are.

- How good it feels to do someone a favor
when you are too damn tired to do it, and
you do it anyways.

- How cute my boyfriend looks when he comes
home from working hard 17 hours, outside,
and is really, really, really dirty and sunburned and tired.
(and still smiles at me every time I look at him)

- How much I HATE being sunburned.

- How simple and important recycling is.

- How stupid racism and homophobia is.

- How simple and worth it, it is to make someone smile.

- How awesome it is to laugh your ass off.

-How much I hate the internet sometimes, but as a news junkie,
can't seem to let it go.

- How I do not think I can accept
that some are beyond redemption.

- How much I love my job,
and how special that is.

- How betrayal of trust can be a poison that
changes every relationship to come.

- How no past thing should poison future happiness.

- How wonderful it is to be loved, all flaws included.

- How much I love movies.

- How much I love books.

- How much I love music.

- How frustrated I get with stupid, commercial
movies, books and music.

- How nice it is when a girl's hair smells like flowers,
AND she's a kind person.

- How silly celebrity is.

- How strange it is to be human on planet earth right now.

- How someone, somewhere thought it was strange to
be a human on planet earth since humans and the
planet earth existed.

- How great it is to trust someone and be right.

- How liars exist; from the people you know
to the people you elected, and no one fights harder
to prove lies than the liars themselves,
truth tellers are often too quiet and peaceful.

- How hurtful it is to be wrong,
when relying on trust and faith.

- How much women are raised to hate themselves
and the horrible consequences.

- How absolutely wonderful it is when women
are loving and supportive of other women.

- How much I LOVE my gay friends.

- How frustrating straight people can be.

- How friends can sustain you and love you anyways,
even when you are tired and grumpy to them.

- How much I despise criminals (especially when trying
to open a new cd/dvd case)

- How much I love photographs.

- How much photographs can lie.

- How much I trust responsible pet owners.

- How much I wish every child and elderly person,
teenager, sad and lonely person could have a pet,
it changes everything.

- How much it SUX for someone to have a pet and not
respect and take care of it properly, especially when the
pet was bought for status or cute factor.

- How much I want to be a recluse somewhere and
only write and exist with love and a bunch of animals
and never have to entertain or explain.

- How much I think about so much stuff
that I could never, ever
document all the things I think about in a day,
and that makes me wish I didn't think at all,
or could choose from a thought menu
at a five star, healthy, peaceful brain restaurant
and only pick light appetizers.

I know,
The shallow end is easier,
But deep water
Teaches you
To really swim,
Be strong,
And stay afloat.

Just another day.