If you are reading this,
you are an internet user.
If you use the internet,
there is something
lurking around congress right now.
Major companies are trying to get
a law passed that will give corporate
interests the deciding factor on
what is and what is not allowed
for you on the internet,
based on how much a company can pay.
This is not a partisan issue,
as all internet users are equally at risk here.
Whatever your beliefs, interests, jokes,
lawnmowers, guns, bibles, movies,
books, medications, loves, hates, snacks,
pets, friends, religions, t-shirts, stickers,
musical tastes or hobbies are...
They are being threatened.
Internet usage and availability
will be determined by
how much a company can pay,
not by our own personal interests.
Forget about that favorite
news site or non-profit site or catalogue or
funny story site or fan site that you
visit or have bookmarked,
you may not be able to access it
if this passes,
basically making the internet a
pay to play,
pay to pray,
pay to say,
pay to foray,
playground for rich corporations.
Think it isn't possible?
Well, it's happening right now.
The internet's First Amendment
is called "Net Neutrality",
which means you are allowed to pick
whatever web site you want to visit.
That is absolutely being threatened right now.
Democrats, Republicans,
Independents and Indifferent are
all trying to make sure that we
maintain the right to visit or not visit
whatever websites we want to.
Please visit:
to read more about this.
sponsored by...
which hopefully will stay that way.
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