Pauley P Dot Com

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Fall out of love
with things that are harmful to you
with those that harm you
regardless of
tricks played upon you
which make you forget

Fall out of love
with the things that caress you
as they slyly undress you
and clothe you
in a disguise
of lies

the fact
that you are no longer intact
have mistaken

Beaten down
and turned around
and spun
into a skein
that no longer recognizes itself
and is there for others
to weave through
thread bare.

Liars lie...
it is what they do
and it happened to you.
It seems harder to say
that you were led astray
than the simple art
of being true
to yourself

But you do
in there
and it knows
that you

Fall out of love
with the things
that betray you
the things that may slay you
with forked tongue
and soft touch

The things that adore you
will never
whore you
abhor you
ignore you
gore you
war you
core you
or ask more
of you
than anyone

Pay attention
To what
came before you
because liars

Fall out of love
with anything but real love
with no strings attached
and no history latched

And if
know the answer
to the call out
is that
the fall out


Monday, January 23, 2006


My two feet
all the time
Veering off paths
Taking the wrong ones
stepping on briars
and thorns
My two feet
Trip over themselves
Get stuck in my mouth
get stomped on
But if they manage to make it home
or whatever this place is
after every long day
I remember why
they keep trying
to forge ahead

There are twelve paws
waiting right inside the door.
Waiting to play,
to go for a walk
to turn over and get a belly rub
Waiting to stand still and listen
and to shake my hand
Twelve paws that walk all over me
and kick me while I'm sleeping
Twelve paws that
a journey of a life time with me
and have stayed by my side
like no others
Twelve Paws
give these two feet
solid footing
and a reason
to continue
on the path.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


I just realized I should probably preface this...
So I was reading this funny interview last night
with this band, and they were asked about
making money and buying stuff,
and one of the guys quoted that old bumpersticker
from the eighties:
which made me think of this:
which I wrote about how capitalism and competition
will eat you up. Then I woke up and thought,
nobody is going to get that reference.
So, there, a whole paragraph written about
something completely unimportant.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I have been asked repeatedly
how someone so sad
can be so happy,
and I usually tell the asker,
"Maybe it's because YOU are here".

I can not speak for every sad person,
but this sad person
tries to find Joy
and then truly rejoice in it.
It separates my darkness
from this light.
I choose to seek out happiness
in the midst of whatever is happening
to me
and others.
All of the lies, the theft, the cruelty.
I may have been in a crumpled heap
of sobbing
and asking God "why" questions
I never want to ask
a few hours before,
but I can see someone I love,
or see someone of love
or see someone doing good
or acting heroically
or hear a funny story
and I will seek out that joy
and I may love more
and laugh harder
because I need it the most
to separate me from my pain
and the crimes set against me.

I love love,
I really love fun.
I like justice,
and peace,
and honesty,
and good people
and good times.

These are the polar opposites
of what I have found to be true
when I sit alone and think
about what is really going on
how awful people have been to me
how awful people are to each other.
how someone tried
to make a beautiful life awful,
destroy me,
and almost succeeded.
But guess what,
I am stronger than that.
I know that now.
You can take my money
and my stuff
and my home and my belongings
and lie, lie, lie about me
and I will still
out Joy.
And there will be people I will bump into
who will give that to me.

So, if you know
the pain of my writings,
the pain of myself
the pain I am enduring,
and I see you
and I smile,
or laugh
or drink
and dance,
or speak to you
and find joy...
It's not me,
It's you,
my brothers and sisters
who believe in good.

You are giving joy.
as we all should
and that makes me smile.
I NEED joy
We all need joy,
I need it alot
to forget the pain
And we need good,
honest people
to forget the criminals.

And I thank you.
All you good people.
Thank you.

Seek and you shall find.
I am always looking
In the middle of my pain.
Both are true.
I choose Joy.
And you can't take THAT away.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Justin Kirk

OK, night before last I met Justin Kirk.
He is the actor that played the lead role,
Prior Walter, in Angels In America.
I completely GEEKED OUT all over him.
I called him the Prophet and blah, blah blahed
about how important Angels In America is,
and my BIG love for it, how I try to spread the word,
and so on and so on.

I was an Angels In America SUPER FAN
that had him cornered,
and he was really cool.
(thanks Justin).

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


There's this guy...
His name is Wendell.
Probably not  a guy now,
a man,
in every sense of the word, I'm sure.
I've known him for years.

Me and Wendell
and a whole bunch of people I know
came up working in clubs
in New York and Los Angeles.

Wendell is a dashingly good looking fella.
such an underused adjective
that absolutely
in every way
applies to him.

He worked in clubs and bars,
like the rest of us,
but always,
had a kind of grace and class
that exceeded the cesspool
that our crowd swam in.
His name is Wendell,
that's so cool.

One night,
in the dark office
that served as a quasi-V.I.P. room
for people who knew the knock
in a club that had such an office
as many clubs do,
I was sitting on a
stairway to no where...
just a prop in the room.
It was smoky and alluring
as many mirrored things are,
False friends greeted each other
the kind of warm
that indicates fire
and brim stones.

I was drinking and
that this night
was another important night
amongst "friends",
and Wendell walked into the office.
He probably didn't knock,
He probably has a key to everywhere.

Everyone hellos,
as usual,
and the usual conversations,
about nothing
in which I can't remember a word of,
and continued
swirling around him,
Wendell, seemingly immune to it all,
as always.

This happened,
That one...

At some point,
a name came up.
"_______ did blah, blah, blah".

It reminded me of a story
about ________
and I said to Wendell,
who was in the proximity,
"Hey, you wanna hear
some gossip about  _______?".

It wasn't a bad story.
It was a funny story.
The word "gossip"
was just a funny word to say.
Wendell walked over to me,
put his hands on both my shoulders
gave them a kind squeeze,
looked me straight in the eye
and said...
"No...  I don't"
and went about his business.

He smiled, at me warmly,
when he said it.
The real kind of warm.
The understanding, good kind.
And I learned something that night.

Just Say No.

I have,
in the last year
as a vendetta
had so much stuff,
just stuff...
All lies,
told about me
to all kinds of people
who hang out in clubs
and smoke
and mirror
each other.

It doesn't surprise me so much
that many of the bored
searching for blood
would go along with this,
but some
I thought were my friends.

And as bored as they were,
they never just said,
I don't want to hear that."
They just listen
nod their heads
and drink free beer
because they know the knock.

But I learned something that night.

Wendell said no.
He was actually saying no
to a harmless anecdote.
But Wendell said
He didn't want to hear any of it
about anybody.

And I too, now.

The dashingly handsome
and graceful Wendell
taught me to say no...
or as I was brought up
down south,
"No thank you".

I learned something that night,
and Wendell...
I thank you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


January 11th, 2005
was the last time I committed suicide.
It wasn't the first time,
it was just the last time
thus far.

I had been on my knees
for hours
I had no idea
how long it had been
and again had come
to only one
multifaceted conclusion...
This is not my planet.
I have no idea what I'm doing here.
I want to be with God.
I can't take it anymore.

I had written
"It's Over"
on the bathroom mirror,
wanting to add "... finally",
but didn't,
because those who knew
would understand anyway.

This was it
for me.
No more planet earth.
No more mean people.
no more liars
and haters
and bored, malicious joiners
in campaigns of destruction.
No more

The last time I committed suicide
I was alone for days.
Alone to contemplate
how much I hated
being a part of this species.
How much I hated the cruelty
performed and allowed.
How much I hated hate.

I had it all set up
and I cried
and cried
for ours
for hours.

I thought I knew
that the people that knew
would understand
how much I have always
disliked being on planet earth.

They would understand.

Although sad,
they would understand
that I finally got off this planet
which is what I always wanted to do.

I thought about many things.
It Was Over.
I was done with this.

I had experienced such pure
and calculated evil
that every theory I had
about the presence of such
had been proven to me
in a kind of enormity
that proved I was right
and would
be understood
in my decision to exit.

I cried and prayed for hours.

At some point
I realized
that the next day
January 12th
was my boyfriend's birthday.
I hadn't been dating him long
at that point,
and it was long distance,
but there was something about his soul.

He is one of those pure
and honest
that are so very rare.
A good person,
Really Good.
One that thinks about
things like God
and other people's feelings,
especially mine.
Although I have no idea
what anyone is doing here,
especially the good people,
I thought of his earth life.
I thought about the fact
that no matter what he did
for the rest of his life,
his birthday
would always be
the day after
his girlfriend
killed herself.

It may have been years from now,
but no matter what
it would always be
the day after
his girlfriend
killed herself.

And he did not deserve that.
Not at all.
As stupid as life
and people
and birthdays are
this was one person
who did not deserve
to be haunted
by my escape
of planet earth
and have to stay here

The last time I committed suicide
I got conflicted
and I stayed.

I don't know why we are here,
but for some reason,
I'm here.
I decided to stick around
and try to figure it out
or not figure it out,

I'm still here.
Eternally conflicted.


The last time I committed suicide
convinced me
for whatever reason
near death experiences
are won
thus far
and understood
by waking up the next day

And the next day

Friday, January 06, 2006


I read that Lou Rawls left earth today.

When I had first come to Los Angeles,
I worked with him.
It was my first lead role.
I played a confused poet,
and he played my angel
in a film I adore called,
"The Price Of Kissing".

Lou sang everything.
He'd repeat what someone said as a song.
He would be told,
"We have to go to set now."
And Lou would head that way singing...
"Weeeeee.... have to Goooo to the set...
Now... Oh yeah, to the set now..."
in his unmistakable, unbelievable
Lou Rawls voice.

Lou had fans everywhere.
If he was spotted on the set while we were filming,
there were always autograph requests.
Lou would oblige in his constant stroll.
We'd be walking down the sidewalk,
and he'd sign a bunch of stuff,
make people's day,
and never miss a beat.

Lou had alot going on.
I asked him once how he handled everything.
Lou Said,
"Just keep on movin',
Juuuuuust Keeeeep On Movin', Ooooh yeah...".
He was so nice to me.
I was new and trying to learn everything
and asked him a million questions.

The night after we finished filming,
Lou was playing the blue's festival
about 2 hours away.
Me and my other cast mates and
some of the crew all piled into
a huge Suburban and went with him.

Instead of our intimate little set
we had been on for weeks together,
we were now with Lou and a
billion people.
Lou was the same Lou,
with the same stroll,
and now hundreds of people calling out
to him everywhere.
It was really fun and funny to watch.

In the film,
it was Lou who spoke two of my
favorite lines
(in a film that had so many well written
lines, courtesy of writer, Vince DiPersio).
One was:
"Passion in the space between wanting something
and getting it"
the other was,
"It's not the people you throw down with
that you hold close,
It's the people
(In which Lou ad-libbed right after,
which he always ad-libbed,
"You turkeys aren't listening to what
I'm saying, I'm getting out of here"
and left the scene).
He also added his signature,
"Yeah Buddy", to almost every line
he said while we were shooting,
which always made me smile.

So Lou,
thanks for being so nice to me,
and I try and never forget ...

To Juuuuuust Keeeeep On Movin'.
Ooooh Yeah.


Lou, Me, Jenn and Rela
(they were the beautiful Hair and Make-Up godesses)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Searching for...

William "Billy Blaze" Ryan (florida, I think)

Valecia Fernandez (a continent somewhere, I think)

Mim Parker (San Francisco?)

Robert Vance Blosser (?)

Asha? (CA super model)

and a few other people I used to know
but don't know if I should ask.

If you are
or you know them,
please write me at:


Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Wanna know what exotic places people go to
and the crazy things they do
for the holidays?

I have no idea,
don't look here.

Perhaps the most exotic:

And in between?
Stopping at every truck stop
and diner in between.

Me and my boyfriend,
for the second time in like 6 months,
(we did it this summer as well)
opted to drive around the country,
with the pets,
and stay at motels
and in people's houses,
and eat at every diner
or gas station
that we found.

We drove from L.A. to rural Alabama,
to see my dad and family,
in two days
(I worked until 1 am the night we left,
so he drove nights,
I drove days).
The night we arrived,
my dad was teaching a bible study
at the little church in the woods
where I grew up visiting,
so we went.
I distinctly remember hunting easter eggs there
in the church yard
every easter when I was a kid..
One year I found the prize egg,
which was a panty hose egg with
five dollars in it.
I'm sure I hid it.
I used to hide money when I was little.
I would take my allowance (50 cents)
and my pet sitting money
and hide it.
One time I won $100 bill in a bingo
from a local supermarket when I was
like 9 years old.
I hid it in a ceiling fan and found it later,
when I was 17 years old,
and probably hid it somewhere else later
in my dorm room.

My grandfather, grandmother,
and my mom are all buried in the
little cemetery
next to the little church
in the woods.
When my grandfather died first,
every time we drove past the cemetery
in the woods,
on the way back to granny's house,
in the woods,
she would wave and yell out,
"Hey Ol' Bill!".
My grandpa's name was William Bell.
So Awesome.
Bill Bell.
It doesn't get much better than that.
So, every time my sister and I drive past,
to this day,
we roll down the window,
and wave,
and call out,
"Hey Ol' Bill!"
Even though they are all buried there now,
we do it as an homage to everybody.

Me and my boyfriend also went with my dad
to his meeting at his fire house
and made a video tour of it.
Over the summer,
we made a video tour of
my cousin Wayne's fire house
in East Tennessee.
(All the males in my family
are firefighters.
And ladies,
my cousin Wayne
and funny as hell
and single).

We had a great time with my dad and his wife Diane
and my sister and her kids,
and a bunch of other people who stopped by
in the middle of the woods
in Alabama.
My boyfriend played endless
Nerf football with
my little nephew (5)
and my dad
(when my dad wasn't building stuff,
he's always building stuff,
he built the house,
this time it was a retaining wall).
Boyfriend and Dad would
deliver firewood to friends and family.
The girls,
my sister, Diane, my niece, and me
goofed around doing whatever,
(they all knit, and I watched, amazed)
mostly eating
southern cooking
and talking.

We then drove from Alabama to Detroit,
with a night spent in a little room
on the Kentucky/TN border.
I love rooms with hot tubs in the room.
This was probably meant for prom or something,
not for two weary travelers with pets,
but it was fun.
I'm not a big fan of public hot tubs,
it's a germ thing,
but I love the "in room" hot tub,
that is basically just a big tub
in the room
where you can see the T.V.
You fill it.
You drain it.
You watch T.V. and soak.

In Detroit,
my boyfriend's hometown,
we spent one night of bliss
with a group of his
childhood friends.
I don't have those.
My family moved every year.
My longest friend,
other than my sister,
is Kevin Lawson,
who I met when I was 20.
My boyfriend's friends are AWESOME
and they all love each other very much.
Unlike myself,
they have known each other
since they were in diapers.
(I have no idea what that would be like.
I luckily didn't wear diapers when I was 20).
We stayed up all night,
laughing, drinking and telling stories,
until like 5 A.M.

The other days and nights of bliss
were with his family.
Hanging with his mom and step dad
and dad,
his amazing, beautiful sister,
One aunt and uncle's house.
then another day at
another aunt and uncle's house
(This uncle is a Fire Chief as well)
with grandma and grandpa and all his
cousins and family.
Me and boyfriend delivered his mom's cookies
to homes of people
around the snow capped neighborhood,
and amazingly,
I found this really, really fun.

We headed back down south afterwards.
We stayed in Nashville,
visited my nephew's preschool,
did laundry
(which we begged off to do at EVERYONE'S house)
and hung out with my sister and
Kevin Lawson, my longest friend,
and his insanely adorable and kind
and understanding and funny
and smart and absolutely STUNNING
wife Malissa,
who I adore (obviously)
and I always tell Kevin
I don't know HOW he got her to marry him.

Me and my boyfriend and the pets
drove back west
with no intentions of haste.
I had been called back to work
earlier than expected,
and we left a good 4 days drive
for one we could have made in 2 1/2.

Had we not been so flexible,
I would not have had the ultimate pleasure
of hanging out with the
alarmingly beautiful Linda and friends
who work at the Waffle House outside
of Oklahoma City.

Here, at the Waffle House,
We also met an ATF agent
who had been the first to arrive
in the Oklahoma bombings
and now has a son who was sent to Iraq
two weeks before Christmas.
I told him,
"God Speed your son home to you".

We heard many stories about family members who had
recently been deployed to Iraq,
all around he country.
Husbands, fathers, sons, daughters...
we heard so many stories
on our journey
and I can't imagine
how painful that must be.
Heart Breaking.
God Speed them home to you.

We spent New Year's eve
at a Mexican restaurant
in Arizona called "Garcia's".
Really good food.
I ate too much
we played bar game trivia for hours
(an addiction)
and then walked back to the hotel
in a sudden hail storm
while talking on my cell
to my friends in L.A,
Clint and Matthew.

We had to leave earlier than expected.
I wanted to drive to LA,
The other L.A.,
(although my dad calls the "Other L.A.",
"Lower Alabama").
I got called back to work early
and we didn't get to go see
people I wanted to see in Louisiana.
I hate that,
but if I don't show up at work,
i won't be able to afford to
go see them this summer.

We had perfect driving weather
the entire trip.
Down South,
In Michigan,
and everywhere in between,
but the last leg,
in L.A., California?
It was raining really hard.
The land of perfect weather,
and yet... ?
My boyfriend drove,
because I don't drive in the rain
and, hey, he's from Michigan.
He's fine.
I worked crossword puzzles
and played Sudoko in order to
avoid the fact that it was raining.

We got back to L.A.
Did laundry
and watched
video footage of a crazy night
with my friend Angus before we left.
We then watched
"The March Of The Penguins".
It's great,
I had been anxiously awaiting
to see it and got it on DVD in Michigan
(I don't go to movie theaters, long story).
We slept peacefully.
The pets are happy.
We're happy.
And tired.

We got our jackets stolen in Detroit.
But it's OK.
We're safe.
The van didn't break down
like it did six times in
our summer of driving all around the country.

But when the van did break down this summer,
by the way,
we met some pretty amazing
tow truck drivers
and mechanics,
and motel workers,
and people
(Lowell, Alice, Richard, etc.)
all around the country,
and it was a better trip
because of them.

And I have amazing,
Stories to tell
About the woods in Alabama.

Last year,
on New Years Eve,
I stayed in, no parties,
and was ON MY KNEES
on the balcony,
of my temporary housing,
in my awful situation
praying to God
for the victims of the Tsunami.

I was devastated.
I still am.

I opted to stay
and pray.
For whatever it was worth.

My neighbors here must've thought I was nuts.
Probably still do.
Some weirdo chick on the balcony
on her knees
audibly sobbing over the destruction
a million miles away.

I'm now praying for
all the rest of the victims as well,

we drove around this year
and delivered cookies
and firewood,
and it was good.
Good people.
Good times.

But again,
One year later,
not forgetting to remember,
all that was lost,
all that hurt,
all our brothers and sisters
all who lost
every time.

God Speed.
Everything Good.
To everybody.